Infographic Central ~ Part 3

  • Reading Time


I tend to be a very methodical person. For this reason, when things are just a little bit off, -say I did part 2 and part 3 of a sermon series of infographics but have yet to do part 1- I just have to go back and fix them. Otherwise, the world would not turn on its axis. Perfectly symmetrical butterfly wings would shift to the right just a wee bit. Laundry would no longer sit in neatly folded piles! My son might actually eat broccoli!

Cataclysm is imminent!

Wait. That might all be in my head. Oh well, at least Leadership 101 is complete now!

Sermon Infographic Joshua 8_1-29

As always you can listen to this and other sermons on the church website here.  Look for Leadership 101: Comeback.

Truth be told when someone says “infographic” my mind typically goes to this shape of graphic, but there is so very much more to the realm of infographics. Really at its base level, any picture that imparts wisdom or at least knowledge is an infographic. That means the subway map is actually an infographic. So is the sign telling you a train crosses here and the one with a stick figure lady telling you where to go after that gallon of Mt. Dew you drank.

Infographics are all around us, and their value is pivotal in our world. So the next time you get frustrated trying to explain something, maybe just maybe, an infographic will do the trick.

Check out infographic central round one and round two!

About the Author

Jeanne is the founder and owner of A Wish for More Wishes. An Online Business Owner Jeanne thrives in showing small business owners how to organize and systemize their businesses. She has a love for all things graph and chart and collects project management programs like a dryer collects socks.


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