Infographic Central ~ Part 2

  • Reading Time
Here we are, another infographic! This week's sermon from the wonderfully loquacious Mike Baker was the conclusion to our Leadership 101 series. You can listen to the sermon here. Fascinated with why infographics are just so awesome? Check out this infographic here! Or perhaps you love infographics as much as I do, and would love to have one... but what to make it about? Check out this stellar infographic for ideas. Anyways... less text more graphics!     Check out Infographic Central ~ Part 1 here. Check out Infographic Central ~ Part 3 here.
Background image created by Kjpargeter -

About the Author

Jeanne is the founder and owner of A Wish for More Wishes. An Online Business Owner Jeanne thrives in showing small business owners how to organize and systemize their businesses. She has a love for all things graph and chart and collects project management programs like a dryer collects socks.


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